The branch parades it's Standard at three services over the Remembrance Weekends.
The first is at the City's War Memorial on High Street, attended by all the civic dignitaries, the Mayor, the Sherriff, the Aldermen & Guilds of the city, et al.
At 1300hrs a small band of people hold a small service at the cemetery behind St Nicholas Church on Newport Rd. There are some 250 Commonwealth War Graves here, from WW1 & WW2.
On the Sunday, members attend the service in the Cathedral.
Ben Revell & John Haytree
Before the Service
Standards ready to march on parade
Standards ready to march on parade
The Mayor, Jackie Kirk, lays the City's wreath.
John Haytree, after laying the branch wreath.
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning,
We will remeber them.
Dave Cawdron, Jeff, Ben Revell & Mike Williams
Our Standard in the Cathedral
Our Standard in the Cathedral
The ceremony at the CWG's, St Nicholas Cemetery.
Our Secretary, Sylvia Revell, lays a Cross of Remembrance.
During World War I, Joseph became a Cadet with the American Army, Aviation Section, Signal Corps. On the 7th of January 1918, whilst flying a DeHavilland 6 training aircraft Joseph was killed in an accident. Apparently the accident occurred on the last day of training.