Royal Signals Association Lincoln Branch

Jimmy- Badge of the Corps

This site is primarily photo's of the Branches activities. Please email any of the branch officials (see below), if you require any further info or wish to join the branch.


About the Branch

The RSA Lincoln Branch formed out of a 'get together' by the late Frank Philp in May 1976. Permission to form a 'Lincoln Branch' was given by the RHQ on 27th May 1976, and the inaugural meeting was held on 9th August 1976 in the TAVR Drill Hall, Newport, Lincoln.

The Branch currently has 30 members, not just from Lincoln, but from all parts of the county including, Immingham, Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Sleaford, Louth and Gainsborough.

We are a small but active branch, thanks to our Entertainments Officers, John Hudson & John Haytree, who organise our dinners, lunches and visits.

We also enjoy a close relationship with the Lincoln Branch of the Parachute Regt Association, who hold their meetings on the same night as ours. So afterwards we all get together in the bar for a convivial evening.

We meet the first Thursday of every month with the exception of the month of DECEMBER, and AUGUST at Sobraon Barracks, Burton Road, Lincoln.

The meetings are held next to The Bar, located on the ground floor of the main building, at 1900hrs.

Members start gathering at 1830hrs for the 1900hrs start.

All serving and ex-members of the Corps are welcome, along with any ex-WRAC ladies who were attached to the Corps.

Membership is an annual payment of £10.


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Name Position Home Phone Mobile Email
Major (retired) Derek Wood MBE President & Visiting Officer email Derek
Mr John Hudson Chairman & Entertainment
Mrs Sylvia Revell Secretary email Sylvia
Mr Ben Revell Treasurer & Standard Bearer   email Ben
Date Time Place
3rd February 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
7th April 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
5th May 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
2nd June 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
7 July 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
1st September 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
6th October 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
3 November 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
1st December 18:30 for 19:00 The Bar, Sobroan Barracks
Date Event Place
All RSA and other events will be added when known

Aims of the Association

The Royal Signals Association (RSA) was formed in 1920 at the birth of the Corps from the Royal Engineers.

The objects of The Association are:

To provide comfort and relief either generally or individually to past and present signallers and their dependants who are in conditions of need hardship or distress.

To foster comradeship and morale within the corps family, both serving and retired.

Contact the RSA

The Address for all Royal Signals Association matters is:
Royal Signals Association,
RHQ Royal Signals,
Blandford Camp,
DT11 8RH
Tel: 01258-482090