RSA Reunions


The Royal Signals Association holds it's Annual Reunion every year on the third weekend of June at Blandford Camp, Dorset.

It also holds a gathering of it's Northern Branches at Eden Camp, Malton every May.

RSA Northern Area's gathering May 2019 at Eden Camp, Malton, Yorkshire.
Which number do I press for "Help the Aged"

The Parade with the Royal Signals Northern Band (best viewed in HD if possible)

The annual RSA Reunion weekend held on the 17th to the 19th June 2016.
The new format for the Princess Royal Day Parade is a lot better than the old format, now bringing together the Regulars, Reservists and Retired members, emphasing the wider Corps Family.
After the parade of 11 (Royal School of Signals) Signal Regiment on Hawke Square, the RSA members were invited to form up so that they could march on to the square and parade behind the regiment.
Three large squads of veterans, each led by branch standards, forms up and marchs onto the square, between the memorial and the regiment. The whole is then given permission to march off the square under the command of the Commanding Officer of 11 (RSS) Sig Regt. The parade then ends with the traditional toast to our Corps, proposed by the Master of Signals.
11 Signal Regt The combined bands of Royal Corps of Signals Standard Bearers waiting to form up Standard Bearers waitng to form up
Resting Standards Veterans form up ready to march on parade Veterans march on parade lead by the retired officers & Chelsea pensioners Veterans march on parade
Veterans march on parade Veterans march on parade Veterans march on parade
Veterans march on parade<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i> Veterans march on parade Veterans march on parade<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i> The whole parade ready to march past<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i>
The march past The march past The march past<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i> The march past
The march past The march past The march past The march past
The march past The march past<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i> The march past<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i> The march past<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i>
Standards about to "Fall Out"<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i> The toast<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i> The toast<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA HQ</i> The Queens Gurkha Signals (QGS)<br><i>Photo courtesy of the RSA</i>
The Corps Band & the Corps Northern Band   The Corps Memorial</i> The Corps RSM
The Standards march on
The static displays & refreshments arena</i> The static displays & refreshments arena
AFV432’s The static display & refreshments arena The Sunset Ceremony The Sunset Ceremony
The Sunset Ceremony The Bands march off Standards march off

Eden Camp, Malton, Yorkshire 2016.
The Royal Corps of Signals Northern Band The Royal Corps of Signals Northern Band The Royal Corps of Signals Northern Band Sylvia Revell, Brenda Durrant & Jill Jackson
Colin Jackson (R Sigs) & Gordon Bisset (Sherwood Foresters) Standards prepares to march on parade  
The Newton Aycliffe Pipe Band It's alright John, it's one of ours Flo & John Hudson, David Hambidge
Brigadier Hargreaves (RSA Chairman) & Col. G. Norton (Corps Colonel) The Corps Col with the Standard Bearers

Eden Camp, Malton, Yorkshire 2015.
The RSA Rotherham Branch organised a get together at Eden Camp Museum on Sunday the 17th May 2015.
The event was very well attended by branches with in the area and beyond.
  Keith Bates (Rotherham Branch) & Brig Hargreaves (RSA Chairman)  
Ingola Hambidge, Brenda & Ian Durrant Newton Aycliffe Pipe Band David Hambidge, John Haytree, Ian Durrant & Flo Hudson John Hudson
The Newton Aycliffe Pipe Band It's alright John, it's one of ours Flo & John Hudson, David Hambidge
Jill & Colin Jackson Brenda Durrant, Ingola Hambidge, Jill & Colin Jackson, Flo Hudson John Haytree meets an old friend Keith Bates (Area Rep) & ?
  The members of the MBVA had an excellent presentation in one of the huts   Guy Turnbull (r) of the RSA Newcastle
Standards on Parade

The 2014 Reunion - 21st & 22nd June.
A blistering weekend weather-wise, with temperatures hitting 25o c.
The Corps Band prepares to march on for the Princess Royal Parade. The Princess Royal Parade The Princess Royal Parade The Princess Royal Parade
The Princess Royal Parade The Princess Royal Parade The Princess Royal Parade The Princess Royal Parade
Spectators enjoying the events Spectators enjoying the events Standards prepare to march on  
    The finalists are put through thier paces The finalists are put through thier paces.
The finalists are put through thier paces. The finalists march off Presentation by the Master of Signals to the winner The finalists march off
AFV432 AFV432 Edd Mulhall, taking a stroll The Corps Memorial
The Corps Northern Band The Corps Northern Band The Corps Northern Band Spectators enjoying the Corps Band
The Corps Northern Band The Corps Pipes & Drums Edd Mulhall Standards at the Corps Memorial
The Master of Signals with the Standard Bearers Our Standard Bearer, Ben Revell
The Sunset Ceremony


Aims of the Association

The Royal Signals Association (RSA) was formed in 1920 at the birth of the Corps from the Royal Engineers.

The objects of The Association are:

To provide comfort and relief either generally or individually to past and present signallers and their dependants who are in conditions of need hardship or distress.

To foster comradeship and morale within the corps family, both serving and retired.

Contact the RSA

The address for all Royal Signals Association matters is:
Royal Signals Association,
RHQ Royal Signals,
Blandford Camp,
DT11 8RH
Tel: 01258-482090