Branch Dinners


The Annual Branch Dinner 2021.
After a years absence because of the covid19 pandemic, the branch finally is able to hold it's Annual Dinner.
So we returned to The White Hart for a superb evening of catching up and great conviviality.
Lewis Wilman & Derek Wood
Lynda Wilman & Kay Archer The Branch President, Major (retd) Derek Wood, welcomes everyone Lewis Wilman and John & Flo Hudson
Lynn and Granville Yeomans & Jenny & Dennis Weir Dennis Weir, Steve Vaughan & Hazel Constance Kay Archer and Derek Wood, Barry Porter and Lynn & Granville Yeomans Derek Wood and Barry Porter
Ingola & David Hambidge Sylvia Revell & Marian Johnson Donna & John Haytree
Suzy & Wayne Bramwell David & Ingola Hambidge and Kay Archer & Derek Wood Barry Porter & Lynn Yeomans
Ian Durrant, Beryl & Frank Pacey and Lynda Wilman John Haytree and Suzy & Wayne Bramwell John Hudson & Donna Haytree The President presents David Hambidge with a leaving gift
David's Acceptance Speech The Chairman presents a bouquet to Ingola Ingola & David Hambidge Jenny Weir, Barry Porter, John Haytree & Derek Wood

The Annual Branch Dinner 2019.
This year the dinner was held at the White Hart on Bailgate, Lincoln.
Jenny Weir, Barry Porter, John Haytree & Derek Wood
Derek Wood & Kay Archer Keith and Marian Johnson & Donna Haytree Beryl & Frank Pacey Hazel & Pat Constance
Edd Mulhall, Tony & Tracey Busby Tony and Tracey Busby & David Hambidge John & Flo Hudson
Lewis & Lynda Wilman Sylvia Revell, Nicky Jones, Rob Jones & Kay Archer & Donna Haytree

The Annual Branch Dinner 2017.
Once again our Annual Dinner was held at Bentley Hotel, South Hykeham.
The Rev & Mrs Jones and Barry Porter Laura & Kay John Dodsworth
Keith Johnson & Pat Constance John & Donna Haytree Keith & Marieanne Johnson Brenda Dodsworth with Pat & Hazel Constance
Brenda & John Dodsworth Beryl & Frank Pacey Edd Mulhall
Stephen Vaughan John & Donna Haytree Marieanne & Keith Johnson
Jennifer & Dennis Weir
The Reverand Hugh Jones Frank Pacey Rob & Nicky Jones

The Annual Branch Dinner 2016.
On the 21st October we held our dinner at the Bentley Hotel, South Hykeham, Lincoln.
Our Guest of Honour was the Rev. & Mrs Hugh Jones. Rev. Jones has also kindly agreed to be the Branch Chaplain.
"O" Group Phil Staples, Sylvia Revell, David Hudson & Derek Wood Pat Constance, Val Staples, Hazel Constance & Ingola Hambidge Hazel & Pat Constance
Derek Wood & the Rev. Hugh Jones Rob Jones
Phil Staples & Laura Malin
The evenings entertainment

The Annual Branch Dinner 2015.
On the 24th October we held our dinner at the Canwick Park Golf Club.
Members start arriving Members start to arrive   David Hambidge & John Dodsworth
Frank Pacey, John Haytree, Keith Johnson, John Hudson & Derek Wood Ingola Hambidge & Brenda Dodsworth Marion Johnson & Donna Haytree Yours for only £10 Keith
Steve Vaughan & Val Staples Adam & Laura Malin, Keith Johnson & John Haytree David Hambidge on light duties Adam & Laura Malin and Steve Vaughan
Val Staples & Keith Johnson Derek Wood & Blanche Ward David & Ingola Hambidge and Ron Ward Beryl & Frank Pacey
Brenda & John Dodsworth   Donna & John Haytree and David & Ingola Hambidge Derek Wood & Blanche Ward
Phil & Val Staples and Keith Johnson Steve Vaughan and Phil & Val Staples Adam & Laura Malin Brenda Durrant
Val Staples and Keith Johnson Derek Wood Donna & John Haytree David & Ingola Hambidge
Ian Durrant Adam Malin John Dodsworth and Brenda & Ian Durrant Phil Staples
Kay Archer & Derek Wood     Brenda Dodsworth entertains us
Brenda Dodsworth entertains us     Val also wows the audience
Val also wows the audience

The Parachute Regt Assoc., Lincoln Branch, Annual Dinner, Canwick Golf Club, Lincoln.
30th May 2014
Branch members enjoying the hospitality of the Lincoln Branch of the Parachute Regiment Association's annual dinner.
John Barnett Derek Wood Ingola Hambidge, Jill and Colin Jackson Kay and Flo
Ingola and Jill Derek and Kay Frank Pacey Ian and Brenda Durrant
Brenda and Beryl Edd Mulhall Mary Barnett John Barnett
    Ian Durrant  
Derek Wood Ian Durrant

Canwick Golf Club, Lincoln 2013
  Mike Rose, Mrs Jackson & Beryl Pacey Tony Thacker, Lincoln Para Regt Assoc. Secretary. Bruni Plaskitt, Ingola Hambidge & Flo Hudson
Our Guests from the Lincoln Branch of the Para Regt Assoc. Tony Thacker, Dave & Mrs Gratrick and their Padre Mike Rose Ron Grove (Lincoln Branch, Para Regt Assoc.)  & John Hudson Tony Thacker, Dave & Mrs Gratrick and their Padre, Mike Rose Ron Grove & John Hudson
John Hudson, Dave Hambidge & Derek Wood Colin Jackson & John Plaskitt Edd Mulhall & Frank Pacey Derek Wood, John Hudson, John Plaskitt, Dave Hambidge & Jim Banks
L-R Sylvia Revell, Mrs Gratrick & Jane Brewer Val Banks L-R  John Hudson, Derek Wood, Jim Banks, Ian Durannt, Dave Hambidge & John Plaskitt Dave Gratrick & Mike Rose
Ed Brewer, Jim Banks & Ian Durrant Ian Durrant, Jane & Eddy Brewer & guest
Mike Rose, Edd Mulhall, Frank & Beryl's daughter, Sylvia Revell & Beryl Pacey Mike Rose Frank & Beryl Pacey & Sylvia Revell
Mrs & Colin Jackson John Hudson & Bruni Plaskitt Ingola & Dave Hambidge Brenda & Ian Durrant
Brenda & Ian Durrant Jane & Eddy Brewer Dave Hambidge
Ron Grove(Para Assoc), picking the next winner Brenda Durrant & Jim Banks John Hudson & Jim Banks Kay & Derek Wood
Frank & Beryl's daughter picks a winner Eddy Brewer
Beryl & Frank Pacey Ed Mulhall & Jim Banks Val Banks L-R Mike Rose, Edd Mulhall, Sylvia Revell & Franks daughter
Ron Grove & Mike Rose. Pleased as punch because they've got one of our prizes for a change! Dave Hambidge points Colin Jackson in the right direction. John Hudson & Jim Banks John Hudson & Tony Thacker (Para Regt Assoc.)
Flo prays that John's speech will be short.
John Hudson (Chairman) Derek Wood (President)

The Lincoln Hotel, Eastgate Lincoln 2012
    l-r Fred Patman Mary & John Holmes, Flo & John Hudson  
Val & Jim Banks, Kay     Guest of Honour - Brig. Nigel Wood
Guest of Honour - Brig. Nigel Wood Guest of Honour - Brig. Nigel Wood

Officers Mess, Sobroan Barracks, Lincoln 2011
John Plaskitt & daughter Ken Bell  


Aims of the Association

The Royal Signals Association (RSA) was formed in 1920 at the birth of the Corps from the Royal Engineers.

The objects of The Association are:

To provide comfort and relief either generally or individually to past and present signallers and their dependants who are in conditions of need hardship or distress.

To foster comradeship and morale within the corps family, both serving and retired.

Contact the RSA

The Address for all Royal Signals Association matters is:
Royal Signals Association,
RHQ Royal Signals,
Blandford Camp,
DT11 8RH
Tel: 01258-482090